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How to get the government’s £10,000 cash grant for small businesses

April 01st 2020 Article

1 April 2020

Small businesses and start-ups impacted by the coronavirus outbreak may be able to claim a grant of up to £10,000 from the Government. However, the businesses eligible to apply for the grant and how they do so can differ between countries across the UK. In order to help small businesses navigate the process of accessing the grant we’ve pulled together all the rules into one place.

So who is eligible?

The Small Business Grant Scheme covers over 700,000 of the UK’s smallest businesses and start-ups. To be eligible your business must occupy a property (both owned and rented) and receive a form of rate relief.

England – Small Business Grant Fund

The Small Business Grant Fund (SGBF) is managed by local authorities and provides up to £10,000 as a one-off grant to help small business owners manage their operating costs. Businesses can only claim once, even if they have multiple business premises.

Businesses that are eligible need to have been in receipt of small business rate relief (SBRR) or rural rate relief (RRR) on the 11 March 2020. Small businesses whose premises have a rateable value between £12,000 and £15,000 and receive tapered relief also qualify.

Local authorities will pay the grant to the ratepayer as held on their records from 11 March 2020. If businesses think the local authority records may be incorrect, they should inform as soon as possible.

Scotland – COVID 19 Small Business

All businesses in Scotland that claim for the following reliefs; Small Business Bonus Scheme Relief, Rural Relief, Nursery Relief, Business Growth Accelerator Relief and Disabled Relief can apply for a one-off £10,000 grant from their local authority. Business can only claim the grant once and self-catering premises are not included in the scheme. Businesses can apply through online forms available on their local authority website.

Wales – COVID 19 Grants

Businesses in Wales who are eligible for small business rates relief (SBRR) and have a rateable value of £12,000 or less should qualify for a £10,000 grant. In Wales, the multiple property restriction allows the same ratepayer to claim for up to two properties in each local authority area. The scheme in Wales is being administered by individual local authorities. Businesses wanting to enquire about the grant should look at their local authority’s website in the first instance.

Northern Ireland – COVID Small Business Grant

The Northern Ireland scheme is managed by the Department for the Economy and Invest Northern Ireland working with the Department of Finances Land & Property Services. Grants should be available to those businesses eligible for the Small Business Rate Relief Scheme, those businesses with a Net Annual Value or NAV of £15,000.

Payments for business who qualify for the grant and will be made automatically using supplied banking details for the rates system. Businesses that have not received their payment automatically can apply online here (

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